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Digital Camera World - January 2010

Digital Camera World - January 2010

Digital Camera World - January 2010

Digital Camera World is your guide to digital imaging and digital photography. Each issue is full of digital camera reviews, digital imaging tips and tricks, digital photography tutorials, digital imaging software and accessory reviews, and the opinions and advice of digital photography experts.

Feel Good Food - Christmas 2009

Feel Good Food - Christmas 2009

Feel Good Food - Christmas 2009

Enjoy wonderful Christmas recipes and tips!

Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary 16th Edition

Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary 16th Edition

Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary 16th Edition

With more than 80,000 entries and 220,000 pronunciations, Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary is the ultimate guide to English pronunciation and now comes with a CD-ROM. Thousands of pronunciations not shown in general dictionaries are included, from people and places, to words from science, technology and literature, such as Beckham, Eminem, Google, Prozac. Key Features

- Full coverage of British and North American pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
- Colour headwords.
- New! 200 information panels explain phonetics terminology and the relationship between spelling and pronunciation. And now available with a CD-ROM!
- Spoken pronunciations for every word.
- Facility to record your own pronunciation and compare it with the voice on the CD-ROM.
- Search by alphabet or phonetic symbols.
- Interactive pronunciation exercises.

iPhone Life - Winter 2010 Vol. 2

iPhone Life - Winter 2010 Vol. 2

iPhone Life - Winter 2010 Vol. 2

iPhone Life, the only print magazine dedicated to Apple's iPhone and iPod touch! iPhone Life magazine hit the newsstands last year, chock full of news, reviews, and tips for both consumers and enterprise users.

Most of the content for the magazine and web site comes from end-users -- readers and a team of volunteer iPhone expert writers and bloggers. Internal staff editors, Hal Goldstein and Rich Hall, see their primary function as soliciting (Hal) and editing (Rich) submitted content. Nathan Clevenger solicits and does the initial edit on professional, enterprise and creating Apps related stories. Each issue evolves organically, based on article submission ideas from end-users and our regular volunteer experts.

Everyday Practical Electronics 2001 To 2009 Complete

Everyday Practical Electronics 2001 To 2009 Complete

Everyday Practical Electronics 2001 To 2009 Complete

Lang: English | Format: PDF | EPE (2001 - 2009)

Every issue is packed with ideas, theory and projects for you to build, with full circuit diagrams, printed circuit board layouts, artwork and photos. If you're interesting in learning more about electronics and computing, then EPE is bound to have something of interest to you!

What Laptop - January 2010

What Laptop - January 2010

What Laptop - January 2010

What Laptop is the leading mobile computing magazine for laptops, netbooks and smartphones. Launched in 1999, it is the only mobile computing magazine in the UK to offer you independent reviews of the latest mobile computers on the market.

Maran Illustrated Piano

Maran Illustrated Piano

Maran Illustrated Piano

Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Piano is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers—from people who want to play a few songs for their family in the living room to those who aspire to become serious musicians. Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Piano shows the reader the best way to perform each task, while the full-color photographs, music examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance the readers’ piano experience. Maran’s Illustrated Guide to Piano is packed with essential information for readers who are sitting down in front of a piano for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire.

Oxford English Dictionaries Second Edition (Windows)

Oxford English Dictionaries Second Edition (Windows)

Oxford English Dictionaries Second Edition (Windows)

This CD-ROM offers unparalleled access to the world’s most important reference work for the English language. The Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books

Here is a summary of the main features of the new OED on CD-ROM:
• Quick search and easy-to-use navigation features
• Select how entries are displayed by turning pronunciations, etymologies, variant spellings, and quotations on and off
• Advanced searching to allow full exploitation of the data. You can look for quotations by date, author or work, search pronunciations, find words which have come into English from a particular language, etc.
• Automatic cross-referencing: click on any word in any entry to find it in the Dictionary
• Automatic look-up feature enabling fast access to OED headwords from other applications.

Discover Magazine - January/February 2010

Discover Magazine - January/February 2010

Discover Magazine - January/February 2010

Discover is a magazine that publishes the best and the most interesting articles about science.

Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Everyday Practical Electronics Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

English | PDF | 12 issues | RS & HF | 226MB

VTC | Microsoft Windows 7 Tutorials [2009]

VTC | Microsoft Windows 7 Tutorials [2009]

VTC | Microsoft Windows 7 Tutorials [2009]

The given course tells about new possibilities of the operating system of Windows 7

VTC | Microsoft Windows 7 Tutorials [2009]

VTC | Microsoft Windows 7 Tutorials [2009]

Composition of the course:
Introduction (02:22)
Course Overview (04:29)
What's New (05:41)
Getting Hands On (04:09)
Installing Windows 7
Windows 7 Versions (06:53)
System Requirements (04:00)
Installation Options (02:43)
Upgrade Advisor (05:44)
Installing Windows 7 pt. 1 (06:30)
Installing Windows 7 pt. 2 (03:45)
Installing Windows 7 pt. 3 (03:37)
Installing Windows 7 pt. 4 (04:03)
Deploying Windows 7 (04:31)
Windows Deployment Services (04:02)
Anytime Upgrades (07:08)
User Experience
the Desktop (05:09)
Peek/Shake & Snap (05:12)
The New Taskbar pt. 1 (06:39)
The New Taskbar pt. 2 (04:34)
The Start Button (04:40)
Windows Explorer (07:47)
Gadgets (05:58)
Keyboard Shortcuts (06:24)
Calibrating the Display (05:03)
Device Stage (04:46)
Drive Display Options (04:46)
Sticky Notes (03:57)
Default Programs (04:58)
Pinning (04:44)
Calc & Wordpad (06:14)
The Old Quick Launch Bar (04:54)
Opening the Command Prompt (03:43)
Files/Folders & Data
Libraries pt. 1 (05:14)
Libraries pt. 2 (06:28)
Libraries pt. 3 (06:48)
Folder Options (03:23)
Windows 7 Networking
Window 7 Networking Basics (07:17)
Windows HomeGroup pt. 1 (06:39)
Windows HomeGroup pt. 2 (03:47)
DirectAccess (06:45)
Windows 7 Remote Access (02:41)
Controlling Remote Access (05:50)
Remote Assistance pt. 1 (07:04)
Remote Assistance pt. 2 (04:26)
Remote Desktop (07:42)
Windows PE (05:27)
Windows PE Command Line (06:28)
Getting Windows PE (02:07)
Problem Steps Recorder (05:32)
RoboCopy (07:45)
Federated Search (05:17)
Security & Privacy
User Account Control (07:11)
Managing UAC (07:02)
Disable UAC for Admins Only (05:12)
Managing User Accounts (07:09)
Creating a New User (07:17)
Password Reset Disk pt. 1 (05:39)
Password Reset Disk pt. 2 (04:56)
Windows 7 Groups (06:17)
Creating a Group (07:28)
BitLocker (06:49)
BitLocker To Go pt. 1 (04:08)
BitLocker To Go pt. 2 (03:20)
XP Mode (06:23)
Performance & Maintenance
Power Options (06:51)
Action Center pt. 1 (06:41)
Action Center pt. 2 (05:04)
Backup Using Images (05:22)
Open New Process (02:41)
ResMon (07:17)
System Repair & Recovery
System Repair (06:47)
System Restore (06:50)
Course Wrap Up (05:24)

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects

Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects

54 super-entertaining projects offer insights into the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Nature meets the Evil Genius via 54 fun, safe, and inexpensive projects that allow you to explore the fascinating and often mysterious world of natural phenomena using your own home-built sensors. Each project includes a list of materials, sources for parts, schematics, and lots of clear, well-illustrated instructions.

Game Developer Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Game Developer Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Game Developer Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

The magazine contains articles on professional game development topics relating to programming, art, audio, quality control, design, and production. Monthly columns from industry veterans offer in depth discussion on a variety of topics. It has articles by notable game industry figures and reviews on game development related books, tools, and software packages. The back page "Soapbox" was also a popular feature, which moved to sister site to Gamasutra circa 2004. It was replaced by a splash art page called "Thousand Words," and then replaced again with a regular column "Arrested Development."

Game Developer's most popular feature is probably its monthly "Postmortem" column which discusses the recent development of a computer or video game with the top five each of "What Went Right" and "What Went Wrong". It provides a frank, first-hand account of the lessons learned in the development process.

Fine Woodworking Magazine 2009 All Issues

Fine Woodworking Magazine 2009 All Issues

Fine Woodworking Magazine 2009 All Issues

Windows 7 Inside Out (Microsoft Press)

Windows 7 Inside Out (Microsoft Press)

Windows 7 Inside Out (Microsoft Press)

You’re beyond the basics, so now dive in and really put your PC to work! This supremely organized reference is packed with hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and workarounds. It’s all muscle and no fluff. Discover how the experts tackle Windows 7-and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery!

Compare features and capabilities in each edition of Windows 7.
Configure and customize your system with advanced setup options.
Manage files, folders, and media libraries.
Set up a wired or wireless network and manage shared resources.
Administer accounts, passwords, and logons-and help control access to resources.
Configure Internet Explorer® 8 settings and security zones.
Master security essentials to help protect against viruses, worms, and spyware.
Troubleshoot errors and fine-tune performance.
Automate routine maintenance with scripts and other tools.

PC Magazine - January 2010

PC Magazine - January 2010

PC Magazine - January 2010

Science Illustrated - January/February 2010 (US)

Science Illustrated - January/February 2010 (US)

Science Illustrated - January/February 2010 (US)

Scientific American Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Scientific American Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

Scientific American Magazine January-December 2009 (All Issues)

This magazine is designed for technically educated professionals and managers who have a positive predisposition to read about, get involved with and act on a broad range of the physical and social sciences. Its articles and features anticipate what the breakthroughs and the news will be in a society increasingly dependent upon scientific and technological advances.

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Latest Ebooks Collection (18 books)

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Latest Ebooks Collection (18 books)

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Latest Ebooks Collection (18 books)


01 - Photoshop CS4 For Dummies by Peter Bauer
02 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book by Adobe
03 - Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop CS4 by Mike Wooldridge & Mike Wooldridge
04 - How to Do Everything Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Chad Perkins
05 - Photoshop CS4 Bible by Stacy Cates, Simon Abrams & Dan Moughamian
06 - Photoshop CS4 All-in-One For Dummies by Barbara Obermeier
07 - Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom by Jennifer Smith
08 - Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques by Derek Lea
09 - Photoshop CS4: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks by Lynette Kent
10 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques by Ben Willmore & Dan Ablan
11 - Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks by Scott Kelby
12 - Photoshop CS4 Workflow: The Digital Photographer's Guide by Tim Grey
13 - Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot by Mark Fitzgerald
14 - Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Richard Harrington
15 - Black and White in Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom
16 - Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps
17 - Photoshop CS4: Essential Skills
18 - The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Layers Book by Richard Lynch

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 with 240 Gold Plug-Ins

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 with 240 Gold Plug-Ins

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 with 240 Gold Plug-Ins

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 software, which now includes CSS tools, Ajax components for building dynamic user interfaces, and intelligent integration with other Adobe software. Build world-class websites and applications with one of the industry's leading web authoring tools.

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 software is ideal for web designers, web developers, and visual designers. Enhanced coding functions make it a breeze to navigate through complex site pages at design time. Improved layout tools bring expedited workflows, from comp conception to client approval. Innovations throughout the Dreamweaver beta can help teams and individual developers alike reach the next level in performance and functionality.

Design your web pages under real-world browser conditions with the new Live View in Dreamweaver CS4 - while still retaining direct access to the code. Design your pages in Dreamweaver so end users can edit their web pages without help from you or additional software using the InContext Editing online service. As a Dreamweaver designer, you can limit changes to specific regions on the page.

Gold Plug-Ins for Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
1. A Simple Poll V2.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
2. Abrir Janela Pop-Up V1.0.2 (Portuguese) For Adobe Dreamweaver
3. Add Gradient Background Style V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
4. Add onmouseout V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
5. Adobe Style Menu V4.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
6. Advanced CSS File Include V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
7. Advanced Manage Workspace Layouts V1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
8. Advanced Random Images V4.3.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
9. ASP Random Images V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
10. Atomz Search V2.0.19 For Adobe Dreamweaver
11. Auto Default Form Field V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
12. Automatic Jump Menu V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
13. Book Flip V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
14. Bordered Table V2.1.1 For adobe Dreamweaver
15. Breadcrumbs V1.4.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
16. Calandar Maker V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
17. Calendar Object V2.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
18. Caps And Case Change V1.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
19. Center Layout Tables V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
20. Center Popup Window V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
21. Check Form V4.66.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
22. Clear Initial Form Fields V2.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
23. Close All Documents V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
24. Close Bowser Window V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
25. Close Button 1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
26. Colour Harmony V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
27. Compare To V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
28. Constructioner Areas (C-Areas) V2.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
29. Contect Help Toolbar V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
30. CourseBuilder V4.4.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
31. Cross-browser AutoScroller V2.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
32. Cruotons V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
33. CSS Target Media Type Interface V2.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
34. D4WStatsLittle V1.12.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
35. Date Insertion V1.4.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
36. Diable Field V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
37. Div Tags V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
38. Downloads Counter V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
39. DwZone Access DataBase Connection V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
40. DwZone Advanced Form Controls V1.3.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
41. DwZone Advanced Image Gallery V1.2.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
42. DwZone Advanced Mail Plug In V1.2.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
43. DwZone Advanced Mail PlugIn Delete V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
44. DwZone Advanced Mail V2.2.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
45. DwZone Advanced Search V1.3.9 For Adobe Dreamweaver
46. DwZone ASP Upload And Resize Simple V1.9.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
47. DwZone ASP Upload And Resize V2.2.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
48. DwZone ASP Upload Simple V1.7.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver…
49. DwZone ASP Upload V1.9.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
50. DwZone ASP.NET Advanced Mail V1.1.6 For Adobe Dreamweaver
51. DwZone ASP.NET File Upload And Resize V1.2.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
52. DwZone ASP.NET File Upload V1.2.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
53. DwZone ASP.NET Image Gallery V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
54. DwZone ASP.NET Multi Column Combo Box V1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
55. DwZone Dynamic Chart V1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
56. DwZone Dynamic Image V1.2.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
57. DwZone Dynamic Sort Table V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
58. DwZone Multi Column Combo Box V1.1.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
59. DwZone Professional Query Manager V1.5.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
60. DwZone Professional Record Wizard For Adobe Dreamweaver
61. DwZone Site Search Engine V1.2.9 For Adobe Dreamweaver
62. DwZone Visual CDonts Insert Object V1.1.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
63. DwZone Visual Include V1.1.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
64. DwZone Visual Search File V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
65. DwZone WYSIWYG HTML Editor V1.5.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
66. Dyanmic Images V1.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
67. External Links Pro V1.0.15 For Adobe Dreamweaver
68. Fade Link V1.0.6 For Adobe Dreamweaver
69. Favorites Menu V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
70. Flat Button V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
71. Float Layer V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
72. Form Calculator V1.2.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
73. Form Inputs To Datasource V1.3.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
74. Form Maker V2.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
75. Form Security V2.9.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
76. Format Table CSS V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
77. Frunder Flash Menu V2.5.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
78. F-source Business Drop Down Menu V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
79. F-source Business Style Menu V1.2.1 & f-source Navigation Guide V1.0.0 For ADw [1]
80. F-source Business Style Menu V1.2.1 & f-source Navigation Guide V1.0.0 For ADw [2]
81. F-source Cubic Menu V2.1.0 For Adobe Dreameaver
82. F-source Metalic Menu V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
83. GenB V1.4.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
84. Go To URL In Opener V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
85. History Navigation V1.1.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
86. IM Animated Collapsible Accordion V1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
87. Image Bounds V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
88. Insert A QuickTime Movie V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
89. Insert Filename V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
90. Insert Flash Animation V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
91. javascript Syntax Checker V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
92. Joomla V1.5 Extension For Adobe Dreamweaver
93. Language Menu V2.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
94. Likno AllWebMenus javascript Menu Builder V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
95. Link Title V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
96. List Menu Data V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
97. List-Menu Rewrite V1.1.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
98. Live Clock V2.3.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
99. Load Site Selection V1.0.6 For Adobe Dreamweaver
100. Mac Style Menu V4.2.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
101. Macromedia Style Menu V4.2.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
102. MenuKit V1.2.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
103. MenuKit V2.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
104. MiArt HTTP Header Tool V1.4.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
105. Mighty Flighty CSS Template V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
106. Multiple Selection V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
107. Netscape And Opera Resize Fix V1.0.14 For Adobe Dreamweaver
108. Page List V1.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
109. Panels Toolbar V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
110. PayPal Button Creator V2.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
111. PlayStream VideoLaunch V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
112. PluginLab Combo Box Menu V1.4.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
113. PluginLab Combo Box Menu V2.0.41 For Adobe Dreamweaver
114. PluginLab CSS Tree Menu V1.011 For Adobe Dreamweaver
115. PluginLab Horizontal Flyout Menu V2.0.80 For Adobe Dramweaver
116. PluginLab Horizontal Image Menu V2.0.30 For Adobe Dreamweaver
117. PluginLab Vertical Flyout Menu V2.0.80 For Adobe Dramweaver
118. PluginLab Vertical Image Menu V2.0.30 For Adobe Dramweaver
119. Pop Up Text Link V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
120. Popup Link V1.3.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
121. Popup Messages V1.0.6 For Adobe Dreamweaver
122. Puzzle Factory Game Arcade V1.0.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
123. PVII Accordion Panel Magic V1.04 For Adobe Dreamweaver
124. PVII AniMagic Layers V2.90 For Adobe Dreamweaver
125. PVII Auto ShowHide V1.20 For Adobe Dreamweaver
126. PVII AutoHide V1.70 For Adobe Dreamweaver
127. PVII AutoLayers V1.50 For Adobe Dreamweaver
128. PVII Class Changer V2.70 For Adobe Dreamweaver
129. PVII CSS Cookie Monster V1.80 For Adobe Dreamweaver
130. PVII CSS Layout Magic V1.07 For Adobe Dreamweaver
131. PVII Fix Null Links V1.02 For Adobe Dreamweaver
132. PVII Horizontal Scroller V1.70 For Adobe Dreamweaver
133. PVII Image Gallery Magic V1.1.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
134. PVII Instant CSS V2.20 For Adobe Dreamweaver
135. PVII Jump Menu Magic V1.40 For Adobe Dreamweaver
136. PVII Layout Designer 2 V2.4.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
137. PVII Layout Designer 2 V2.60 For Adobe Dreamweaver
138. PVII Multi-Class 2 V1.00 For Adobe Dreamweaver
139. PVII Multi-Move V1.40 For Adobe Dreamweaver
140. PVII Opera Resize Fix V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
141. PVII PagePack -Ennergi V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
142. PVII PagePack -Graffiti V1.0.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
143. PVII PagePack -il Libro V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
144. PVII PagePack -Jazz 05 V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
145. PVII PagePack -Key Lime V1.0.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
146. PVII PagePack -Utopia V1.02 For Adobe Dreamweaver
147. PVII Pop Menu Magic Style Pack V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
148. PVII ReDolt V1.21 For Adobe Dreamweaver
149. PVII Remove IE Link Scrubber V1.30 For Adobe Dreamweaver
150. PVII Return False Fix V1.50 For Adobe Dreamweaver
151. PVII RunEm V1.40 For Adobe Dreamweaver
152. PVII Safari BackButton Fix V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
153. PVII Scrub V1.00 For Adobe Dreamweaver
154. PVII Set Min Width V1.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
155. PVII ShowPic V2.00 For Adobe Dreamweaver
156. PVII Simple VII-V2 Menu Object (CSS Express Drop-Down Menus) V1.30 For ADw
157. PVII Slide Show Magic V1.2.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
158. PVII Snap Layers V2.67 For Adobe Dreamweaver
159. PVII Style Sheet Loader V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
160. PVII Swap Class V1.40 For Adobe Dreamweaver
161. PVII Tab Panel Magic V1.0.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
162. PVII TabBar Magic V1.0.9 For Adobe Dreamweaver
163. PVII Vertical Scroller V1.70 For Adobe Dreamweaver
164. PVII Write Styles V1.60 For Adobe Dreamweaver
165. PVII Write V4 StyleSheet V1.10 For Adobe Dreamweaver
166. Quick Gallery V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
167. Quick Link Anchors V1.4.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
168. Quick Named Anchor V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
169. QuickLink V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
170. Random Links V1.2.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
171. Remove Page Margins V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
172. Reset Image Sizes V3.0.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
173. RSS 2.0 From Darabase V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
174. RSS DreamFeeder V2.0.9 For Adobe Dreamweaver
175. Script Optimizer-Obfuscator For javascript V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
176. Scrollbars V1.2.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
177. Select Template Files V1.5.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
178. Selection Menu For Coding Toolbar V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
179. Set Class V1.0.1 For Adobr Dreamweaver
180. Set Collation V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
181. Simple Banner Rotator V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
182. Simple List-Menu Rewrite V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
183. Sitepal Wizard V1.4.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
184. Sky Style Menu V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
185. Slide Layer V2.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
186. Smart Link V1.4.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
187. Softery Aluminium DropDown Menu V1.0.2 & Menus UI V1.3.2 &
188. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
189. Softery Aluminium Menu V1.0.5 & Menus UI V1.2.4 &
190. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
191. Softery Easy DropDown Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.3.0 &
192. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
193. Softery G-Force Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.3.0 &
194. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
195. Softery Glassy Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.3.0 &
196. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
197. Softery Grid Menu V1.0.0 & Meuns UI V1.0.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
198. Softery Light Metal Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.1.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
199. Softery Obsidian DropDown Menu V1.0.1 & Menus UI V1.1.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
200. Softery Obsidian Menu V1.0.8 & Menus UI V1.3.2 &
201. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
202. Softery Plastic Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.0.7 For Adobe Dreamweaver
203. Softery Plastic Menu V1.0.5 & Menus UI V1.3.0 &
204. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
205. Softery Simple DropDown Menu V1.0.0 & Menus UI V1.1.3 For Adobe Dreamweaver
206. Softery Soft Sea DropDown Menu V1.0.5 & Menus UI V1.3.2 &
207. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
208. Softery Sony Style DropDown Menu V1.0.3 & Menus UI V1.3.0 &
209. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.4 For Adobe Dreamweaver
210. Softery WinXP Style Menu V1.0.8 & Menus UI V1.3.2 &
211. IE Flash Problem Solver V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
212. Status Bar Text V1.5.15 For Adobe Dreamweaver
213. Super Countries V2.4.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
214. Super Date V1.2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
215. SuperScript 2 V1.1.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
216. Swap Trans Image V1.0.2 For Adobe Dreamweaver
217. Switch Field V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
218. Tabel Dimensions To Background Image V2.6.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
219. Telephone Character V1.6.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
220. Template Report V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
221. The Login with Dynamic Redirect V1.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
222. Trio Solutions Scroll V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
223. TrustSoft Joomla Dreamweaver Template Kit V2.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
224. Ultra Close Window V2.0.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
225. Uni Mailer V1.0.5 For Adobe Dreamweaver
226. Visit Counter V1.0.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
227. Vista Drop Down Menu V1.1.0 For Adobe Dreamweaver
228. Voice Web Studio Free V1.1.1 For Adobe Dreamweaver
229. Web Photo Album V2.1.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
230. Web Photo Album V2.2.6 For Adobe Dreamweaver
231. Zencil V3.0.8 For Adobe Dreamweaver
232. Zoom Search Engine V4.2.1002 For Adobe Dreamweaver

OS: Win XP, Vista, Seven
Lang: English

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Latest Ebooks Collection (18 books)

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Latest Ebooks Collection (18 books)


01 - Photoshop CS4 For Dummies by Peter Bauer
02 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book by Adobe
03 - Teach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop CS4 by Mike Wooldridge & Mike Wooldridge
04 - How to Do Everything Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Chad Perkins
05 - Photoshop CS4 Bible by Stacy Cates, Simon Abrams & Dan Moughamian
06 - Photoshop CS4 All-in-One For Dummies by Barbara Obermeier
07 - Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom by Jennifer Smith
08 - Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques by Derek Lea
09 - Photoshop CS4: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks by Lynette Kent
10 - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Studio Techniques by Ben Willmore & Dan Ablan
11 - Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks by Scott Kelby
12 - Photoshop CS4 Workflow: The Digital Photographer's Guide by Tim Grey
13 - Photoshop CS4 After the Shoot by Mark Fitzgerald
14 - Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS4 by Richard Harrington
15 - Black and White in Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom
16 - Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps
17 - Photoshop CS4: Essential Skills
18 - The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Layers Book by Richard Lynch

Xilisoft Video Editor Portable Multilang

Xilisoft Video Editor Portable Multilang

Windows Sofware | Xilisoft Video Editor | 11.61 MB

As a video joiner, splitter and cutter, Xilisoft Video Editor has an intuitive interface and makes it easy to turn original videos into works of art. And also you can watch the video in the preview window. Xilisoft Video Editor is well worthy of having a try.
The video editing software allows you to edit video files in various formats like AVI, MPEG, H.264, SWF, MOV, WMV, etc. for playback on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, and so on.

Title: Xilisoft Video Editor
Version: Portable Multilang
Developer: Xilisoft Corporation
Updated: 2009.11
License / Price: 49.95$(patch)
Language: Multilanguage
Platform: Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size: 11.61 mb

Xilisoft Video Editor Portable Multilang

Xilisoft Video Editor Portable Multilang

Portable Corel WordPerfect Office Suite X3

Portable Corel WordPerfect Office Suite X3
Portable Corel WordPerfect Office Suite X3 | 185MB

Find all the essential office software to complete routine tasks faster and with better results. Create high-quality documents, spreadsheets and presentations, manage email, and share work seamlessly with enhanced Microsoft® Office compatibility and built-in PDF tools. Extend your office suite even more with new data analysis software and online services.

Corel WordPerfect Office X3 is ideal for home and business users, delivering more tools that make your work go faster and your life go easier.

* Create polished documents, including letters, reports and newsletters
* Produce budgets, invoices, receipts and expense reports
* Turn complex spreadsheets into charts and graphs that are easy to interpret
* Present slide shows, proposals, demonstrations and interactive reports
* Create and share PDFs for easy collaboration with anyone, anywhere
* Collect, store and reuse information from virtually any source

Hotfile is a good file hosting ! You need have a premium account to download faster.


Kantaris Media Player 0.6.1 Multilanguage Portable

Kantaris Media Player 0.6.1 Multilanguage Portable
Kantaris Media Player 0.6.1 Multilanguage Portable | 12.8 MB

Kantaris is an all new media player based on code from Videolan client (VLC) and Bass audio library. Kantaris has a graphical user interface similar to that of Windows Media Player. Kantaris can play almost anything you can throw at it -- AVI, MPEG, MGEG-AVC, WMV, MOV, MKV, quicktime, matroska, divx, xvid, H264, MP3, WMA, OGG files and more. Kantaris can also play DVDs and audio CDs. The player also displays some of the most beautiful music visualizations ever seen.

Kantaris Media Player aims to be an all-in-one media player that provides a great audio and video experience. Kantaris is an open-source alternative to Windows Media Player with similar GUI and features. Video playback is based upon Videolan Client (VLC) w Videolan Client (VLC) which enables Kantaris to play almost anything without the need of installing any separate codecs. It features an attractive skin, some nice audio visualizations, and integration with and Apple movies trailers.

Hotfile is a good file hosting ! You need have a premium account to download faster.


Xilisoft Video Editor v1.0.34.1030 Portable

Xilisoft Video Editor v1.0.34.1030 Portable | 9.3 MB

No need to be worried about formats, frame rate or file sizes, the functions of video join, split and cut can be easily achieved by Xilisoft Video Editor. The video editing software allows you to edit video files in various formats like AVI, MPEG, H.264, SWF, MOV, WMV, etc. for playback on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, and so on. The three processes, video join, split and cut, can run in background without too much space occupation.As a video joiner, splitter and cutter, Xilisoft Video Editor has an intuitive interface and makes it easy to turn original videos into works of art. And also you can watch the video in the preview window. Xilisoft Video Editor is well worthy of having a try.
key Features:
· When using Join function, you can add many kinds of video formats at one time, and the output file should be one of the input formats. For example, you add four files with different formats AVI, MPEG, 3GP, WMV in the software, and then you are able to join these files to one file whose format should be one of the original four formats;
· When joining all your files, you are allowed to set video size, frame rate to get the perfect effect;
· When joining files, it allows you to set the resize method. The output videos could be in letterbox, pan and scan, or full screen;
· Video Splitter supports splitting manually and automatically. And if you prefer to split automatically, you can specify it to split by time or size, or split into even clips;
· When using Video Cutter function, you can set the beginning point and ending point super accurately;
· Xilisoft Video Editor supports preview. You can preview both the original and output files;
· The video edit software offers low priority encoding in background mode. You are able to customize your encoding to get the best performance;
· AfterDone action is provided in the magic video edit software. You can designate the status after all your tasks are finished: do nothing, shut down automatically, keep dormancy status, stand by, or end the program;
· You may choose your favorite skin to ensure your satisfaction with selecting skins;
· Xilisoft Video Editor fully supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor;
· The software is multilingual version.

Hotfile is a good file hosting ! You need have a premium account to download faster.
